− Our story −

"Craft and Skewers located on the high street in the historic market town of Newport Pagnell serves Indian food with the casual aura of a pub.
What makes our pub unique is the notion of unpredictability in the dishes, carefully selected and cooked to perfection. Our Tandoor sits in the centre of our menu churning out delicious tandoori delicacies. We seek to promote all sorts of local, freshly grown ingredients to offer a combination of dishes that are healthy, unique and appetising.



Looking for a local friendly pub experience? & In search of an authentic Indian street food restaurant experience? Well, no need to search endless online suggestions anymore because we are here to provide this relaxed hybrid pub/restaurant experience!



Truly a stunner; warm, rich, dry and crisp so many tastes to describe this remarkable piece of cocktail!

Craft beers

Craft beers

Our selective range of refreshing draught beers and craft beers have been flowing with full force straight from our taps to your table!

Indian Curries

Indian Curries

Order yourselves a fiery mixed grill or some delicious Indian street starters with the fusion of countless Indian spices, we are not the one to disappoint!

A few words about us...

− Events −

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Newport Pagnell